Most people in , , come to their service advisor with specific services in mind and an idea of how much they’ll be spending. Sometimes, a courtesy inspection and a review of your service h...
drivers sell vehicles for a lot of different reasons. Maybe they just want something new or maybe they're selling the vehicle because it has a problem or two. So how do you know what you're gett...
I’m Collins. I had my engine go out and had to have it completely re-done. What could I have done to prevent this?
You’ve got to feel for Collins: an expensi...
Here are 5 tips from InMOTION Auto Care for used car buyers:1. Ask for service records. Most owners who document regular maintenance service take care of their vehicle.2. Inspect the vehicle thoroughl...
It’s always exciting to get a new car – even when it’s used. But it can feel like you’re going out on a limb a bit when you buy a used vehicle. I mean, people sell vehicles for...
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Used vehicles are certainly an economical choice for budget-conscious drivers. But how can we know we're getting a good used vehicle and not just inheriting someone else's p...
It’s always exciting to get a new car – even when it’s used. But it can feel like you’re going out on a limb a bit when you buy a used vehicle. I mean, people sell vehicles for...
At InMOTION Auto Care in , a big part of the service we provide for our customers is education. We want you to feel confident with your service decisions. And we're always open to questions. Even thou...