If you feel your vehicle vibrating when you’re braking, or if you don't stop in as short a distance as you used to, it may be time to have your brakes checked. All newer vehicles have disc brake...
What are the signs that I need a brake job?
Signs of brake problems often fall into one of two categories: making noise or a pulsation in the brake pedal. Let's start with the...
Howdy, drivers. Let's talk about your brakes. Basically, the power brake system helps you provide braking power so that you don't have to do all the work with your brake pedal. The brakes themselves ...
There’s a common misconception that Anti-Lock Brakes help you stop faster. That is not always the case on loose gravel or snowy surfaces. Anti-Lock Brakes, in fact, are designed to h...
Do you know what kind of braking system you have on your vehicle? It matters. Do you think you should pump your brakes to get them to stop better on a slippery surface? Or are they the new...
Basically, the power brake system helps you provide braking power so that you don't have to do all the work with your brake pedal.The brakes themselves are applied at the wheel using hydraul...
We rely on our brakes to safely slow and stop our vehicles. You’ve probably had the experience where you’ve slammed on your brakes and started to skid. When your wheels are locked up, you ...
Of all the warning lights on your vehicle's instrument panel, there's one that demands your attention. And that's the brake warning light.
Common sense will tell you that if you can't stop, you...